How to Change the Size of OverlayPanel in PrimeVue: A Customization Guide

How to Change the Size of OverlayPanel in PrimeVue: A Customization Guide

PrimeVue’s OverlayPanel component is a powerful tool for displaying pop-up content within your Vue.js application. However, adjusting the size of the OverlayPanel to fit different designs may require customization.

This guide explains how to modify the width and height of the OverlayPanel component in PrimeVue using CSS and inline styles, providing a flexible solution for various UI needs.

Understanding the Default Sizing of OverlayPanel in PrimeVue

By default, PrimeVue’s OverlayPanel adapts its size based on the content inside. However, in many scenarios, you may want to set specific dimensions to ensure consistency in design or to meet specific user interface requirements. PrimeVue doesn’t directly support size configuration through props for the OverlayPanel, so we’ll achieve this by applying custom CSS.

Method 1: Using Inline Styles for Quick Size Adjustments

One of the simplest ways to adjust the size of the OverlayPanel is by applying inline styles directly to the component. Here’s how:

  1. Add the :style Binding: Use the :style attribute to pass an object with width and height properties to the OverlayPanel.
  2. Example Code:
    <Button label="Show Panel" @click="overlayPanelVisible = true" />
    <OverlayPanel ref="overlay" :dismissable="true" v-if="overlayPanelVisible"
    :style="{ width: '300px', height: '200px' }">
    <p>Customized overlay content here.</p>

    import { ref } from 'vue';
    import { OverlayPanel } from 'primevue/overlaypanel';
    import { Button } from 'primevue/button';

    export default {
    components: { OverlayPanel, Button },
    setup() {
    const overlayPanelVisible = ref(false);
    return { overlayPanelVisible };

    Here, width is set to 300px and height to 200px, but you can adjust these values to any desired dimensions.

Method 2: Applying Global CSS for Consistent Sizing

If you want the same dimensions to apply across multiple OverlayPanel components, using global CSS is a good solution. This method is useful when you want all OverlayPanel instances to share the same size configuration.

  1. Identify the OverlayPanel Class: PrimeVue uses the .p-overlaypanel class for the OverlayPanel component, so you can target this class in your CSS.
  2. Add Custom CSS:
    /* Add to your global stylesheet */
    .p-overlaypanel {
    width: 400px !important;
    height: 250px !important;
  3. Load CSS in the Project: Make sure your CSS file is included in the project, such as in your main Vue component or a dedicated global stylesheet. The !important keyword helps override the default styles set by PrimeVue.

Method 3: Using Scoped CSS for Individual OverlayPanel Components

For component-specific styling, scoped CSS in Vue can target individual OverlayPanel instances without affecting others globally. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Add Scoped CSS in the Vue Component:
    <Button label="Open Overlay" @click="overlayPanelVisible = true" />
    <OverlayPanel ref="overlay" :dismissable="true" v-if="overlayPanelVisible">
    <p>Scoped custom overlay content.</p>

    import { ref } from 'vue';
    import { OverlayPanel } from 'primevue/overlaypanel';
    import { Button } from 'primevue/button';

    export default {
    components: { OverlayPanel, Button },
    setup() {
    const overlayPanelVisible = ref(false);
    return { overlayPanelVisible };

    <style scoped>
    .p-overlaypanel {
    width: 350px;
    height: 250px;

Additional Tips for OverlayPanel Sizing

  • Responsive Adjustments: For responsive designs, you can use percentage-based widths or media queries within your CSS to adjust the size based on screen size.
  • Adding Padding and Margins: Customize padding and margins as needed to ensure content fits comfortably within the OverlayPanel.
  • Dynamic Binding: Use dynamic Vue bindings for conditional styling if the OverlayPanel needs to resize based on user actions or other conditions.


1. How can I dynamically change the OverlayPanel size?

Ans – Use Vue’s reactive properties with inline :style bindings to update width and height based on user actions or screen size changes.

2. Does setting global CSS override the default size for all OverlayPanels?

Ans – Yes, applying styles to .p-overlaypanel in your global CSS will affect all OverlayPanel components. Use scoped CSS for individual adjustments.

3. Can I use percentages for OverlayPanel dimensions?

Ans – Yes, percentages like width: 80% will work well, especially for responsive layouts.

4. How can I center content within the OverlayPanel?

Ans – Use CSS properties like display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; on .p-overlaypanel or the content’s container div.


Customizing the size of PrimeVue’s OverlayPanel can enhance usability and improve visual design, especially for specific layouts. Whether you’re applying global changes with CSS or using scoped styling for individual components, these methods provide flexibility and control over the appearance of your OverlayPanel.

By following this guide, you’ll ensure your OverlayPanel fits seamlessly into your application’s user interface.

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